Neil Reich was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. He loved New York and was passionate about family, friends, teaching and learning.
For over thirty years, Neil taught English and English as a Second Language in New York City Public Schools including Eastern District High School in Brooklyn and Richmond Hill High School in Queens.
In July 2011, Neil was killed in a tragic accident while biking along the C&O Canal Trail near Washington, D.C. After learning of his death, Neil’s family received touching and inspirational letters from Neil’s students, some stating that he was the only teacher who really believed they could succeed.
Neil often said that he would like to be remembered this way: He was good to his students; he was good to his friends; he was good to his family. Neil was all these things and more.
“One of the best ways to honor someone who is no longer with us is to continue the work they loved. I am honored to be part of the 5-Boro Bike Tour in memory of Neil Reich, a NYC public school teacher who was a devoted teacher of immigrant children learning English. His family and friends have continued his work by providing scholarships to immigrant children who are making the herculean effort of attending college.”
Patricia, first-time Team Neil Rider