“One of the best ways to honor someone who is no longer with us is to continue the work they loved. I am honored to be part of the 5-Boro Bike Tour in memory of Neil Reich, a NYC public school teacher who was a devoted teacher of immigrant children learning English. His family and friends have continued his work by providing scholarships to immigrant children who are making the herculean effort of attending college.”
-Patricia, first-time Team Neil Rider
The Board of Directors of the Neil and Yael Reich Memorial Scholarship is proud to share that from 2012 – 2024 we have awarded scholarships to over 60 students (totally $250,000), many of whom have also received renewal awards. Here are some of their testimonials
2024 Award Recipients
Ximena (Peru)

I fought to continue to excel even when it seemed impossible. I did not want my mom to ever give up so neither could I. My mom sacrificed her life in Peru to give me and my siblings better opportunities, such as attending college. I would be the first in my family to attend college. I needed to push myself, even when I did not want to. In addition, I began to work more hours to help out my family, while still trying to excel in school. This December I was accepted into [college]. My mother was so proud of me that she cried tears of happiness.
Maria (Colombia)

In August 2021, my life took an unexpected turn when my mother posed a question of moving to the United states which altered the course of my future:”Mija, ¿qué te parece si te vienes a vivir a Estados Unidos conmigo?”After a brief moment of contemplation, I responded with enthusiasm,”Está bien mami, me encantaría.”Little did I know, everything was about to change.Transitioning to the United States presented unforeseen challenges. Initially, I had to navigate virtual classes from my Colombian school while spending the whole day by myself between the four walls of my bedroom. Since my mom was always working, the possibilities for me going out and socializing were minimal. It wasn’t until December 2021 that I was able to enroll in Richmond Hill High School for my sophomore year and finally put my English skills towork.My transition was far from smooth. However, through determination and hard work, I strived to excel academically and socially, despite the language barrier. As an immigrant, I empathize with the struggles of adjusting to a new culture. Thus, I actively support new foreign students by helping in the technology office during my free periods and afterschool. Additionally, I serve as a translator when Spanish speakers are being asked things they can’t understand yet.
Azmain (Bangladesh)

College is expensive and the route to studying to become an ophthalmologist requires a hefty tuition. As a recipient of the Neil and Yael Reich Memorial Scholarship, I’ll use that money towards my tuition and other expenses. I’m looking forward to moving out and studying in a university that will prepare me for my future. Books are extremely expensive- especially medical related books. By receiving this prestigious scholarship from the Neil and Yael Reich Memorial Scholarship, I can boost my chances of achieving my success.
2023 Award Recipients
Kylie – Hunter Nursing Scholar

I am so grateful for this contribution, as it has made a huge difference for me and my family. My parents have sacrificed a lot to send my two older brothers to school. This scholarship will help me achieve my goals without putting more financial stress on my parents, who have done so much for me already.
I chose the nursing major at Hunter College because I admire the commitment the Hunter Scholars Programs has to ensure students receive the education they need, through expectations such as maintaining a GPA of at least 3.2. As a Hunter Scholar, I plan to fulfill my goals, improve my knowledge, and refine my craft. I would be pushed to the extent at which I would be able to pursue a successful career as a nurse that is compassionate, kind, and understanding.
Some interests I have participated in include starting my own small business selling stationery to help students stay more organized and dabbling in embroidery of clothing. Additionally, in order to offload some stress caused by school, I have begun weight lifting which I found has greatly improved my mental health, alongside my physical health. The summer of 2022, I worked in the Rehabilitation department at a hospital in the Lower East Side alongside physical and occupational therapists to provide aid to geriatric patients. This summer of 2023, I learned more about the patient-nurse relationship at a pediatrics clinic in Elmhurst alongside a physician as their medical scribe.
Teisty (The Dominican Republic) Four-year CUNY

When my family told me that we were moving to New York, I had mixed feelings. I had to make new friends, learn another language, get used to a new lifestyle, and environment. My transition has not always been easy and I worked very hard to learn English as quickly as possible to unlock unique opportunities. I realized that I had to motivate myself to create positive situations in my life. The first thing I decided to do when I got to the U.S. was to learn English in a way that would make sense for me; therefore, I listened to music, read books and watched movies in English. I strongly believe in paying forward any beneficial knowledge to others. That is why I help others who are struggling with English because I have been in that position.
Isaac (Guatemala) Four year private college

Although I was born in the United States, I moved to Guatemala when I was one year old. I remember having a very happy childhood and then I experienced a traumatic event. When I was six my dad was murdered in front of me. This led me to live in constant fear. When I was seven I went to live with my aunt in the US. I feared for my mother because she had to stay behind in Guatemala. Coming to America was a major turning point in my life because it was a big change from the Guatemalan lifestyle. I entered first grade with very little knowledge of the English language and American culture. I remembered being in first grade and Mrs. S would come pull me from class to go to the ELL room. It was my favorite part of the day because it was the only time that someone would understand what I was trying to say and communicate with me. I also always enjoyed trying to learn English as it was important to learn since I had to live here. The celebrations we had made felt welcome and it was warming as my culture was always shown and it gave me a sense of belonging. I also have a cousin that just came from Guatemala and is trying to learn the English language. ELL is a huge help to him because he can now understand and speak a little.
Jaskaran (India) – Community College

When I started thinking about my future there was always one thing which made me feel bad and helpless. That is, I didn’t have a laptop and I always think that if I don’t have a laptop then how will I continue my study in college. But (the) Neil And Yael Reich Memorial scholarship held my hand by giving me the amount of 1,500. With the amount I bought my new laptop which I am using in my college to continue my study.
For me the education experience is very up and down at every step because there is no one in my family who can guide me regarding college and education because I am the first child in my family who went to college in the United States.
Natalia (Ecuador) CUNY Medical School

Reflecting on my first year of college, I have come to realize that it didn’t align with my initial expectations. However, I believe that this rough experience has provided me with a valuable opportunity for growth and learning. Although I was one of the top five students in my high school graduating class, I encountered some challenges when I began college. The courses were particularly challenging, especially given the language barrier. Nevertheless, I have persevered and made significant strides in achieving my objectives.
I am truly grateful for the Neil and Yael Reich Memorial Scholarship as it has enabled me to acquire an iPad during my second semester. Having this device has proven to be invaluable in aiding me to complete my homework and take comprehensive notes throughout my coursework. The assistance I received was highly beneficial. Not only did it enhance my aspirations as a first-generation student of becoming a doctor and helped me cover transportation expenses from home to college, but it also facilitated my transition to college life.
2022 New Award Recipients

Stephanie recipient of The 2022 Yael Reich Memorial Scholarship. I would like to thank you all very much for the generosity of your hearts and valuable contributions towards my education at Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing.
Born in Manhattan at Bellevue Hospital Center, as soon as I realized I wanted to become a nurse, I knew the Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing was the school I needed to attend. Receiving the letter of acceptance into the nursing scholar program was a great honor during the dark moments of the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of my family members and I became very sick before there were vaccines or any clear understanding on how the virus was spreading. My parents both stopped working, for various months, to the point money was flowing out much faster than it was coming in. We were spread thin even with paying just for the essentials like rent, food, and utility bills. The scholarship money I received became more important than ever before. I am convinced that without this monetary help, there is a good chance I would not be where I am today. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for your contributions.
On top of economic hardships through COVID-19, came emotional ones. While sick with COVID, my mother was not able to be admitted to the hospital, as she was still relatively stable, but I was informed by the ER team to closely monitor her breathing – for there was a chance of respiratory arrest. Just a couple of months later, my mother gained her strength, but we both had to say our last goodbyes to my dear uncle through zoom as he passed away due to COVID. I was scared. It was in these times that my nursing scholar advisor and professors were there to listen. This wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for this amazing nursing program.
While Hunter offers dozens of majors with courses taught by amazing professors, nothing compares to our nursing program and instructors. The HBSON has an incredible 93.3% NCLEX passing rate for the year of 2021…that’s 5% higher than NYU! The challenges and obstacles of the pandemic of COVID-19 were nothing against our professors’ resilience. Many served in the front lines against COVID-19 risking their lives for their patients. As a senior, I cannot truly imagine attending any other nursing school in the world! I am so grateful to have been sponsored to be able to continue with my nursing career in such an incredible institution through the Yael Reich Scholarship.
Therefore, while the Princeton Review calls Hunter College “the crown jewel of the CUNY system,” I call the Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing the crown jewel of Hunter College!
Once more, thank you for your generosity from the bottom of my heart. Your generous contributions clearly reflect Hunter’s motto, “Mihi Cura Futuri – the Care of the Future Is Mine” by investing in the making of some of the best future nurses!
Natalia – Ecuador

It was 2019. I didn’t want to leave the airport. I knew that as soon as I walked through the doors of the airport, I would start my new life in a new environment, with a new language and a new lifestyle. It would be nothing like the quiet city where I spent the first fifteen years of my life. Due to economic factors and lack of educational opportunities, my parents decided to emigrate from Ecuador to New York. This event marked the beginning of my American dream.
I had a hard time adapting to my new life because I felt that I did not belong in this country; I went to a school where I could not make myself understood and I felt inferior because of my accent. In addition, I realized that I was now living in a much more liberal society; it was clear to me that I had experienced culture shock in the United States.
This emigration experience has shaped me to be a person of perseverance and efficiency in the path to accomplishing my goals, no matter how complicated this may be. I have high expectations for myself, and I am committed to realizing my dream of becoming a professional to provide health resources to minority communities especially since I am part of one.
Jaskaran – India
My family and I moved to the United States of America during COVID -19 to further my studies. I was fortunate to meet amazing individuals that helped me to step out of my comfort zone and make this rough transition easy to adapt to. I am grateful everyday to be surrounded by people that support me because when I came here my whole life changed. So many of my teachers were able to help me when I needed them and I became happy to have their support.
Education is the key to success and students must work hard to achieve their goals. I began to ponder what my future had in store for me now that I was living in the United States.
My ultimate goal is to become part of the NYPD. I want to serve the country that I am living in and protect its people. I want to be a positive presence in community events and be a role model for others.
Faza – First Generation Pakistani-American

Middle school had been one of the most challenging years of my life, and while barely reaching grades above a B– in my classes, my dreams, and goals of being successful in the future diminished. I needed that support and extra help from teachers to reach the level that many of my other classmates were on. From dropping sports and spending extra time after school on homework help, I came to realize upon entering High School that I need to make adjustments and strengthen myself. With parents who speak very little English, the help with school work didn’t come easy at home. With struggles and tears, I managed to complete an assignment that would take minutes for the rest of the class. I felt lost and simply unintelligent. It wasn’t until 10th grade I took my first excelled level class, which was in English, and through the experience of challenging myself and obtaining knowledge at a fast pace, I taught myself how to be successful and achieve the highest. The evolution of me as a student is one that I have drastically seen, not by hearing it from my mentors, but also by feeling it. From feeling useless and doubting myself multiple times, I grew through my academics and saw my worth, pushing myself forward to reach the position I am in now. Seven years ago I would be amazed at myself for accomplishing what I had thought would be impossible to me. My parents and grandparents were my fuel to keep me going because I know that not only will my education help me, but it will dearly support my family as well. Although pulling through with stress and immense imposter syndrome, I kept taking the challenges and managed to exceed them.
2021 New Award Recipients
Puikay (Chinese – first generation American) SUNY University

I have clear plans on what I want to study and how I want to better our generation by breaking the trends in mental health issues amongst teenagers and kids. I want to accomplish my educational goals of researching and studying Psychology without the constant worry of money. During high school, I was struggling to study due to financial issues. I had to work at my family restaurant all days of the week. Rather than taking most of my time to study, I was behind the counter or in the kitchen helping my dad run the restaurant. From freshman year to junior year, I worked directly after school, affecting my ability to participate in school activities such as clubs and sports. By junior year, my brother went off to college which added more stress to me because I would be working at the restaurant without the help of my siblings. I knew that working at the restaurant would help my family financially because instead of hiring more workers, I would take on multiple roles—whether it’d be in the kitchen or behind the counter. Managing many tasks took up much of the time that I would spend studying or doing my assignments. It was a huge stressor in my life so not having the worry of my parents struggling to pay for my education and being able to help them would greatly benefit my goals to further my educational goals of studying psychology and doing research in neuroscience and community and global public health. My goals in the future encompass helping other people.
Navraj (India) CUNY College

Winston Churchill once said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” This quote resonates with me because I never refer to my setbacks as “failures.” My perseverance in the face of adversity is what defines my performance. I was born in India to a family that gave me a lot of love and happiness. After many years, my family wanted to settle in the United States to give us a better life. It was hard for us to come here; however, we finally made it here and started our new life. Even after I came to this country, I never forgot my home country and my culture. At times, I struggled with the identity problems of a person stuck between two worlds and it was very hard to adjust to life in the U.S. because I felt I had to learn everything again and learn about the new way of life.
I eventually came to realize that life is about balance; balance between who you were and who you are, balance between the best of your tradition and the best of new and changing practice. I always hoped that the United States would offer me new opportunities leading me to provide support for my family here. My career choice is to become a doctor, so I can help people with their health and lead happy lives. Although it has been five years, I believe my unique experiences and background will enhance my ability to help those in need. I know it is going to be hard; however, I want to grab this opportunity and achieve my goal for a better future and contribute to this country that gave me a chance to be here.
This scholarship will help me pay for my expenses such as transportation and textbooks. My mode of transportation will be by bus or subway. I want to thank this country for giving me so many opportunities. I will use the funds for my college because I don’t want to put financial pressure on my parents because of my studies. I want to study with my own money and make my parents proud.
Jordy (El Salvador – first generation American) CUNY Community College

“Hakuna Matata” and my mantra of “Always the High Road” has carried me through the rough times in high school when my fears would rise up. “Hakuna Matata” the song from the Disney movie The Lion King, has always been a childhood song for me to stop having fears or worries in life. My mantra “Always the High Road” encourages me to continue down the road but always keep my head and energy/hope high.
The Neil Reich Scholarship would help build a foundation on the path I will eventually take at college in the Fall semester of 2021. My dream is to become a Social Studies teacher because I have the desire to spread my knowledge to students. Additionally, I would like to show the students how the world has changed from the Medieval Era to the Modern Era. I would use the funds to help kickstart the road into college by purchasing books and school supplies to be prepared for the next four years in college. This moment would be an emotional one since I have worked my hardest to be where I am today in school. When I become a Social Studies teacher, I will teach my students that it is important to give back to the community and help others to reach their goals. I am cognizant that money is very precious and especially during these tough times I will always be grateful for the Neil Reich Scholarship to help me get my dreams started.
Cindy (Guatemala) CUNY College

The experience of being an immigrant has led me to determine the solid definition of the following words: empathy, love, and courage. During my journey from Guatemala to the United States, I got the opportunity to interact with different individuals and learn about their many hardships. I heard about the lack of education in their countries, lack of money, and lack of food. These are hardships that I was not aware of and it started to weigh heavily on my heart. When I arrived in this country, my brain was bewildered. At first, it was unmanageable for me to communicate in English, yet I perpetually attempted to be engaged in each class. During my lunch hour, I went to the library to read books in English with a dictionary beside me to translate the unknown words. I told myself that I would help every new student because I understand how complicated and uncertain it can be to move to a new country. I made a pact with myself to help everyone that I encounter, so I can try to do my part to make the world a better place.
With the financial assistance that the Neil Reich Scholarship will offer, I would have the opportunity to buy required textbooks, a personal laptop to use considering at this moment I don’t possess one, and transportation since I would have to use public transportation if online classes stop. This scholarship would help me immensely because I need to purchase a laptop to keep up with my assignments in college. I am relying on this scholarship to pay my extra college expenses and become a first-generation college student. My dream is to apply what I learn and bring it back to my community. Perhaps I could create events to inform people and educate them about conflicts that their families may be going through. I want everyone to know that even though we cannot see mental illness, this does not negate the fact that it exists. I will do my best to uphold the values of the Scholarship and help others just like Mr. Reich did as a teacher.
Ivan (Bulgaria) Private University

The Neil Reich Memorial Scholarship has been a tremendous help to me throughout my college career. It has helped me achieve something that I had dreamed about and all my family members had hoped that I would one day achieve. As a first-generation immigrant I am months away from obtaining a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering. It has been a long and tough journey however it is not over yet, on top of the couple of months left of this semester, I have the aspiration of continuing my educational career and pursuing a master’s degree in chemical engineering. My university has offered me an opportunity to complete my masters in one year due to the advanced courses I have been taking this semester.
As in the past the Neil Reich Memorial scholarship will continue to help me pay for the expenses of school. For this semester it will help me pay for my textbooks and any additional materials I need such as notebooks and computer coding software. It really means a lot to me that the Neil Reich Memorial Scholarship is aiding me financially especially in hard times as these.
Ferdy (Guatemala), graduated from Community College and now attending four-year SUNY
Due to the famous Coronavirus (COVID-19), my life, like others, has been difficult; my work hours have gotten cut and my classes are also harder, however, I am happy because my family is healthy, and I am healthy as well. I am enthusiastic that you help me with my education, and you don’t give up on me. I got good news for you; I graduated from Community College, I obtained a Science Engineering Associates, (thanks to all of you), and not only that, but I also transferred to one of the best SUNY schools in New York. I am very happy and determined that I will succeed in this school. I did not have the best experience during my first semester (fall semester)because of COVID-19. All my classes got transferred to fully online and they got even harder, but I still managed to pass all my classes.
Another thing that I have been doing, during this pandemic, is that I have been working. I still work at a restaurant; I am a server there. I have not worked a lot since our hours have gotten reduced; the restaurant has been slow. The money is less as well, this is usually my struggle and I have to admit that it is not only me. However, I want to stay positive and not get stressed about it. I know for sure that there are hard and unhappy moments, but I only have to be optimistic. With this scholarship, I will directly pay my tuition. This will help me a lot and I will always appreciate your help and your optimism on me. I will also never forget your support. When I get to accomplish my career and I will most definitely contribute to helping others with the same need that I am now. Thank you.
Anmol (India)

It is very well said that education is the key to success. And I consider myself blessed that I am being able to get higher education despite being an immigrant. However, despite the usual struggles to make ends meet, this past year has brought many changes and hardships in my life. The COVID pandemic led to a sudden loss of my father’s job which further increased my responsibilities and led to many sudden changes in my career plans. As a college student, I was hoping to get an internship in the summer and expand my skills and knowledge to make myself a better applicant for graduate school. Instead, I had to work as a food delivery driver to support my family. During these hard times what helped take some burden off my shoulders was the assurance that the Neil Reich Memorial Scholarship has given me to support my education. It is with the support of the scholarship money that I was able to enroll in the Fall 2020 semester. I was able to pay more attention to my studies and had a wonderful semester even under these circumstances. As a result, I was able to finally declare my major after passing the required credits and I am heading towards a Bachelors in Science in Computer Science.
Taking inspiration from Mr. Neil Reich who loved New York and spent his life serving the NYC population trying to educate the immigrant students, I joined a tutoring corps in June 2020 with the aim of providing free tutoring services to the NYC students. I volunteered as a part of the tech team and helped organize the resources and tutors. The experience in itself was very fulfilling and taught me time management and multi-tasking skills. I hope to continue getting inspiration from Mr. Reich and touch the lives of some students and serve them.
Isabell (Russia), Pharmacy Program

The Neil Reich Memorial Scholarship was of great support to me in my educational journey. The financial assistance that it provided me was of great help to me in paying my educational expenses and it has allowed me to concentrate more of my time on my education and on volunteering opportunities. I’ve achieved so much in these past couple of years. The possibility of being able to finish this program, financially, became more apparent with the Neil Reich Scholarship. I was awarded to be in the Dean’s List four years in a row and invited to join the Phi Eta Sigma; the National Honor Society of Success and Leadership; and The Rho Chi Society (Pharmaceutical Honor Society). Also, October of 2018, I received my white coat in the 2018 White Coat Ceremony, which symbolized me entering the next step of the journey into the professional phase of the Pharmacy program. Furthermore, this scholarship gave me the option to take upon many volunteering opportunities. I become a registered Pharmacy Intern as of June 2019, and from December 2020 I participated in part of the team for the compounding of the Pfizer and ModernaCOVID-19 vaccines at The Mount Sinai Hospital. Thanks to the Neil Reich Scholarship I am closer to achieving my goals and dreams.
Melanie (Colombia and El Salvador heritage), Private Northeastern College

I am now currently in my third year and I have been so grateful to obtain the Neil Reich Memorial Scholarship in order to aid my ability to remain at a private school. I have been assigned many textbooks and outside subscriptions which this scholarship helps cover the cost. Additionally, I also use this money in order to purchase subscriptions for myself to low-key newspapers and databases that I have used to complete papers and research for classes. Without this scholarship, I would be in more debt just due to supplies alone. I would not be able to have external sources to aid my knowledge and understanding of materials I learn in my courses. I’m very grateful for this scholarship and will continue to be always. Thank you!
Carolina (Brazil), Technology Institute

The Neil Reich Memorial Scholarship has been a huge help for my past four years, I could not be more thankful for all your support. I had planned to combine my AAS degree in Administrative Support Technology and the restaurant and catering management training offered by Hilton to begin a successful career in the hospitality industry. Hilton’s catering division has closed due to the virus. So, I am taking what looked like a negative situation and making a positive by choosing to continue my studies with a focus on the business end of the Hospitality and Travel Industry. Some of the courses in hospitality that look very fascinating to me are Principles of Food and Service, Strategic Plan & Food and Beverage Management, Financial Accounting. They all will help me build more skills and what to plan the best for my future. I believe a hospitality major can help me be a great leader in my community. I will know what is important for maintaining a productive and successful business.
Jeffrey, a multi-year renewal recipient who attends a four-year New York State University, wrote:
“I’m very grateful and thankful for the financial assistance and support I receive from the Neil Reich Memorial Scholarship Team. The Neil Reich Memorial Scholarship fund helped me not to worry about the expenses of my books and food. I was able to focus on my studies throughout the semester and work hard to achieve my goals and dreams for the future.”

Min is a renewal recipient who first used her scholarship to fund her studies at a community college and is now using it at a four-year city university:
“Thanks so much to support me again. I am very appreciative of the help from this scholarship . I am so happy because I am going to graduate …and receive my associate degree in accounting. The college life isn’t easy but I really am working hard and gained different knowledge and experience and met lots of new friends. I will continue to do it. Once again, thanks so much to help me and my family.”

Sunpreet also transferred from a community college to a New York State University and has used the NRMS each year to help pay his tuition:
“The Neil Reich Scholarship was very important for me. Even today, I remember the day when I got this scholarship because it was not an ordinary scholarship for me. Today, I am attending this college because of that scholarship. When I was in high school, I didn’t want to go to the college because of its high tuition fee and expensive books but this scholarship encouraged me a lot to choose this path. The Neil Reich Memorial Scholarship provided me a huge assistance in my studies. … I just want to thank the whole team who decided to choose me as recipient of this scholarship because it encouraged me a lot to do further studies.”

Tanzim attends a four-year city university:
“The Neil Reich memorial Scholarship has helped me pay for my books for classes. Thanks to this scholarship I was able to put more effort into my studies because I had to work less to pay for my tuition. I am very grateful for the scholarship.”

Erick, a renewal recipient who attends a community college in New York, wrote:
“I have learned many things that will help me in the future, such as classes that are preparing me for the outside world and also classes that will make me a better person that will serve society. Neil Reich Memorial Scholarship has been helpful for me not only to pay part of my tuition, but for the most important dream in my life which is be a teacher. I am very grateful with all the people whom are part of this program and I hope they continue helping people like me. God bless you all.”